Hi, I'm Charlotte, creator of The Talking Tree!
I coach 7 - 24 year olds across the world. Remote working from my London office means that we simply find a time that works for us, consistently. Meaning I can accommodate a variety of schooling hours as well as extra-curricular activities and of course time zones!
I'm a former teacher with experience both in the UK and internationally so, no matter the school system, I have knowledge of, or have worked in it, therefore I know the challenges and successes your child may face. I've worked with 'looked after children', 'third culture kids', those on the SEN register, 'Gifted & Talented' as well as those who go under the radar in mainstream education for many years now and have witnessed amazing transformations with each and every 'grouping' of children - I treat them all as individuals.
Every child I work with learns a set of coaching skills that they can apply to support them throughout their lives, long after the coaching sessions have ended, even as adults. Dependent on what the child chooses to work on in their sessions there will be a variety of outcomes. From learning to navigate healthy friendships whilst building their confidence and resilience, to better managing feelings of anxiety - no matter the situation - or really exploring who they are and what they want out of their life.
Many of my clients embrace the fact that I'm an adult who doesn't exist in their physical lives and so this enables them to be really open and honest about their thoughts and feelings.
Developing a growth mindset alongside invaluable life skills such as understanding emotions, self-expression and effective communication sets them up for a fulfilled and successful future.
If it sounds like your child may benefit greatly from working with an accredited and certified coach click either of the buttons top right to start the conversation.

Pay it Forward
If you don't have the means to access coaching for your child right now, please get in touch as we may have some individual coaching sessions available to you pro-bono, or even some of the cost of a full 12-week programme covered.​
Fortunate and generous enough that you'd love to gift coaching to a Young Person who doesn't yet have the means? We'd be super grateful to you for helping us clock-up the sessions in our coaching bank of hours. Contact us to let us know.

Coaching Fees
All prices quoted for 12 week self-discovery programme. Always recommend this programme before advancing to additional coaching programmes.
Primary: Ages 7 - 11 £650*
Secondary 1: Ages 11 - 14 £750*
Secondary 2: Ages 14 - 16 £900*
Secondary 3: Ages 16 - 18 £1,050*
Ages 18 - 24 £1,290*
Payment options available
*All prices when paid upfront

Coaching Sessions
12 weekly sessions
45 min coaching
Remote via Video / Phone
(unless excluded as per Confidentiality Statement)
Parental Check-ins
Email / WhatsApp support available
Coached by Charlotte
Coaching Topics
School Transition
Mental Wellbeing
Exam Pressure
Body Image
Healthy Relationships